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November 29, 2005

Ginkgo pruning

How and when to prune my Ginkgo tree? A question often asked.
Tell us your experiences, advice and react!


At 11/29/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Een informatieve en interessante site.
Wijzelf hebben een mooie - 35 jaar oude en meer dan 10 meter hoge - ginkgo in onze tuin.
Een prachtige boom waar niets mis mee is, alleen had de vorige huiseigenaar hem aan de zijkant van het huis geplant.
Inmiddels drukken de wortels van de ginkgo de stenen van ons tuinpad omhoog en beginnen zijn zijtakken steeds meer en lager over de doorgaande weg te hangen.
En precies dat kan bij het passeren van hoge voertuigen en tijdens storm voor lastige situaties zorgen.
Dus zit er niets anders op dan snoeien, helaas.
Maar na het lezen van Uw site bekropen ons toch hevige twijfels over het 'of-en-hoe'- snoeien van deze statige oude boom
( waar wij zeer aan gehecht zijn ...)
Graag zouden wij hieromtrent advies willen vragen.

Met vriendelijke groeten
fam. van Wageningen
Wijlre, Zuid-Limburg

At 1/11/2006, Blogger Cor Kwant said...

Het beste is dit aan een professionele boomverzorger uit te besteden.

At 1/11/2010, Anonymous Martella said...

I live in a small condo complex and in the entry to my unit is a small planter --- 4 x 6 feet with an large post in the center --- a similar one on the opposite side of the courtyard --- ginkgo's were planted in these planters (2 on each side) and they have now reached the "ceiling" and from my perspective look very awkward because they can no longer go "up" -- they get very little direct sunlight. They are right now shedding their beautiful golden leaves ----

My question is ----------- can I trim them -- if so when and how far can I trim them? they are 7 - 8 ft tall

At 8/31/2011, Anonymous Meem said...

I have a young ginkgo (about 12 years old0 It has grown to about 7 ft tall, and the branches are getting very long. However it doesnt appear to be going up any,more, and the trunk is wide at the base and gets thinner a little way up. Is this common for this tree, or is it stunted. We do have it planted in a burm, and there was lawn under it. However, I thought it would just send its roots through the lawn after some time. Has anyone else had this problem. Should I just prune the branches?

At 6/27/2012, Anonymous Tom Schnell said...

I have a nice young tree in my very small front yard, and unfortunately it will eventually far outgrow the space available.. It is now about 6 feet tall, probably 2 inch dia. at base, and with a very full and healthy leaf and branch structure....

I'd like to keep it where it is, keep it's dense but relatively thin columnar shape, and maintain its height at about about 20 feet..

Anybody have any suggestion for pruning to attain that. ? .. or am I just wishful thinking...

Thanks.. Tom Schnell , Manitou Beach Mich..

At 7/27/2012, Anonymous jos. f cachia said...

I have 2 gingko plants about 20 years old. They are in a common clay circular pot, about 40cms diameter, by 15 cms high,since I plan to train them into bonsais. They seem to be growing healthily and so I need to start lowering their apices, since being about 50cms high, they are too tall for bonsai shaping. I believe that their upper trunks can be air layered. Am I right? If so when can I do it? Do you have any specific compost/peat/ sand mix. I have been very successful with air layering Ficuses, olives schlefferas using a 1:1:1 mix in my home country, which has a very temperate climate for most of the year, but it gets very hot and dry in July/August.


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